The 2018 Olympic Games are behind us, but we’ve already started training for what’s ahead. As the athletes in PyeongChang reminded us, competition often brings out our best. Here at MOST, we’re up for our latest challenge to raise $2.5 million before December 31, 2018. If we succeed, a generous friend of MOST will match that total, dollar for dollar, providing $5 million for children’s scholarships.
Carrying the torch, MOST board members and other loyal supporters have already raised $1.5 million, which brings us more than halfway to our goal. This is definitely a team effort, and we need YOUR help! Are you ready to pull your weight? Join the race? Go for the gold?
For 20 years, MOST has been granting partial, need-based scholarships to families who want to send their children to private schools, and all of our funding comes from private donations. Without support from people like you, MOST would not be able to do the incredible work of giving parents a choice and giving children a chance for a great education.
Stretch yourself by giving a new or increased gift to MOST today. The best way to maximize our efforts is with a multi-year pledge. Ready, set, go!
To participate, visit memphisscholarships.org/donate.