Planned giving can be as simple as including a bequest provision in your will or naming M.O.S.T. as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement plan. Your gift will be a lasting tribute to your commitment to educational choice while providing for the long-term future of M.O.S.T.
Planned giving is easy to implement and a tax-wise strategy for many donors. Contact your plan or policy administrator for a change of beneficiary form for retirement and life insurance accounts. For bank or brokerage accounts, simply complete the appropriate form from your financial institution.
Legal Name: Memphis Opportunity Scholarship Trust, Inc.
Address: 1000 Ridgeway Loop Road, Suite 100, Memphis, TN 38120
Telephone: 901.842.5328
Tax ID: 62-1723618
For more information on how to include M.O.S.T. in your charitable giving plans, contact Abbey Cowens at or 901-842-5328.
To make a gift to M.O.S.T. through your will or living trust, please use our legal name, Memphis Opportunity Scholarship Trust, Inc.
Here is some sample language that you or your attorney might find helpful:
I hereby gift, devise, and bequeath __________ (a dollar amount, or all, or a percentage of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate) to Memphis Opportunity Scholarship Trust, Inc. for general purposes, now or formerly located in the city of Memphis, 1000 Ridgeway Loop Rd., Suite 100, in the State of Tennessee.
Naming MOST as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, IRA account, life insurance policy, or bank or brokerage account is a generous way to make a legacy gift outside of your will. Like a bequest, these gifts help ensure the future of MOST and its mission of giving parents a choice and children a chance at a great education.