MOST staff and partner schools team up for program success

The shortest month is often one of the busiest for the MOST program. In early February, we hold our annual all schools’ meeting, where we connect with our partner school representatives over lunch and review scholarship paperwork for the upcoming school year. These representatives play an important role in the MOST program by serving as liaisons with families receiving our scholarships. During this year’s meeting, we recognized staff from the 10 Catholic schools that will be closing after the 2018-2019 school year. We are grateful for their dedication to MOST.

February is also the time when we host our online lottery for new scholarship applicants. This year, we had 486 qualifying families enter the lottery for 562 students. Typically, we are able to add about 100 new students to the program each year, and the rest are placed on a waiting list. Families with students already receiving MOST scholarships can renew their funding from year to year, if still eligible financially, through grade 8, and do not have to enter the lottery.
Later in month, we accept applications for the MOST High School Scholars program, which is based on family
need and student merit. All eighth-graders currently receiving MOST scholarships are encouraged to apply for this one-time opportunity. After reviewing each student’s grades, essay, and teacher recommendation, we make selections. This year, we are pleased to offer high school scholarships to 25 rising ninth-graders.
Between new and returning MOST families, we look forward to providing partial scholarships to about 500
students for the 2019-2020 school year!