E. Carl "Collie" Krausnick

Senior Managing Director at Raymond James
B.B.A. in Finance, University of Mississippi
What inspired you to become a MOST board member?
I’ve been involved and close to Bob (Solmson) for a long time and watched MOST grow. I’ve also been involved from a participation standpoint at events like the golf tournament and the senior reception. I think MOST is truly one of the best, most efficient, helpful nonprofits in this community.
When you think about your own educational experiences, what you are most thankful for?
I think nothing is more important than a high school education. Without that, you can’t advance. I was fortunate enough to go to MUS, and I have been on the board there for a lot of years. When I look back at my education, nothing stands out more than those high school years.
What advice would you give to MOST students to keep them engaged in learning through college and beyond?
Hopefully, the high school kids who go through the MOST program know it’s a combination of financial aid and a strong merit-based component. The students have to hold up their end of the bargain. My advice would be to work very hard because you only have one chance to learn in high school. It’s going to help form the rest of your life, certainly the rest of your educational life.
What’s one course you wish you had taken in high school or college?
In college, I was all focused on business. I wish I taken more of the liberal arts courses.
Tell us about an outstanding teacher in your life and how he or she influenced you.
Bob Boelte at MUS, who taught English and Ancient Medieval History. He was just a bigger-than-life guy. In fact, a group of us endowed a scholarship at MUS in his name. A bunch of us stayed close to him until he died last year. What he taught us helps to this day.
Which book is currently on your nightstand?
I’m reading Dispatches from Pluto: Lost and Found in the Mississippi Delta by Richard Grant.
What is your favorite thing to do on a day off?
Play golf, hunt, and fish.
Tell us something interesting that most people don’t know about you.
I would say, “I love to spend time with my grandson,” but everybody who knows me already knows that. Some people might not know that I like to watch old movies. To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorites.