What is #GivingTuesday anyway?

In 2012, the 92nd Street Y and the United Nations Foundation created #GivingTuesday as a response to the commercialization of the holiday season. Not only do Black Friday and Cyber Monday threaten to steal family time from Thanksgiving weekend, but their shopping deals also seem to be announced earlier and earlier each year. Now in its sixth iteration, #GivingTuesday is a well-known philanthropic movement that continues to grow. On the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, nonprofits encourage special, one-time donations as a way of showing you value philanthropy as much or more than material gift-giving.
Does Memphis promote #GivingTuesday?

Here in the Bluff City, we are in our third year of #GritGrindGive — a local version of #GivingTuesday. On Tuesday, November 28 (or any time before), consider giving to a Memphis-area nonprofit! By keeping our philanthropic gifts local, we ensure the biggest impact within the community. In 2016, Memphis-area nonprofits raised $220,000 through #GritGrindGive and #GivingTuesday.*
*This figure does not include gifts received through PayPal.
How is MOST involved?

When and why did MOST decide to participate in #GivingTuesday? Our first concerted effort to join the movement was in 2015, and since then, we’ve continued to be a part. Now in our third year of participation, we’re happy to have a matching-gift challenge that coincides with #GivingTuesday. Each donation made between now and November 28, 2017, will be matched dollar for dollar. The challenge will continue through 2018, but we’re excited to kick it off formally with #GivingTuesday and other year-end gifts.*
Because MOST is dedicated to families and seeing them through their children’s primary and secondary education, we are honored to encourage philanthropy during the holidays, which bring families together each year. MOST families continue to express how grateful they are that our donors are helping bridge the gap between private-school tuition and what they can afford to pay. They are experiencing firsthand how philanthropy can change lives:
“I knew I was a MOST (scholarship) recipient growing up, but I didn't truly comprehend what a gift that was until I was out of the program,” said Nathan Cummings, St. Benedict at Auburndale graduate and one of MOST's first alumni donors. “Now that I'm settled and in a position to give back, I want to continue that gift for others."
*The match runs through December 31, 2018, and is capped at $2.5 million.
Feeling philanthropic? Give to a nonprofit near you.

We encourage donations to any Memphis-area nonprofits that mean something to you, but of course, MOST would love your support on or before #GivingTuesday (November 28).
Since 1998, MOST has granted $18.7 million in need-based scholarships to 3,156 students in the Memphis area. To do so, we depend entirely on private funding. Your gift to MOST provides opportunities for more students to attend schools that best fit their needs.
In honor of MOST's 20th anniversary school year, give $20 or more today! Then, share the news on social media with the tags #GivingTuesday, #GritGrindGive, and #MOST20years.